Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Greetings from a Space Activist Obama-naut

My name in Bill White and I consider myself to be both a space activist and an Obama-naut. This group blog has been created to give people like myself a forum to express our opinions and (hopefully) to dispel whatever cognitive dissonance may be associated with embracing space activism while also supporting Barack Obama and his approach to politics. We also foresee promoting discussion and advocacy that will exert positive influence and accomplish necessary changes within the space policy and space activist communities.

Each blogger will speak only for themselves and we clearly state that none of our bloggers are associated with Senator Barack Obama or with his campaign.

My first stab at these topics will be posted immediately after this sticky post.

Andrew Hoppin has already posted a few thoughts on Space Policy under an Obama Administration at his own blog Globe Hoppin. Andrew has also launched a discussion site called Space Democrats with includes this mission statement:

Space Democrats is a social activist network dedicated to electing Democrats who support progressive space policies that maximize the positive impact of the US Space Program on the nation and the world.

Be sure to visit and participate at Space Democrats.

Jason Aranha is another of our group bloggers and shall provide technical support both for this blog and the associated website.

Ferris Valyn is a regular poster at Daily Kos and while he is not yet a fully committed Obama supporter, Ferris believes Senator Obama would make an excellent president. Ferris will bring a strong NewSpace perspective to our discussions.

Ad Astra per Obama . . .

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